We specialize in this
We are the manufacturer of all components of the system: heat exchanger, burner, and control system.
Od 2006 roku ISYS Sp. z o.o. posiada własne rozwiązanie techniczne. GAS HEATING MODULE, stanowiący własność intelektualną chronioną patentem. Produkujemy wszystkie składowe elementy tego systemu: wymiennik ciepła, palnik i układ sterowania. Oferowane przez nas produkty i usługi skierowane są do producentów central wentylacyjnych działających w branży HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning) oraz do przedsiębiorstw specjalizujących się w budownictwie wielkopowierzchniowym. Działając na krajowym rynku nowoczesnych i energooszczędnych technologii grzewczych dla budynków wielkokubaturowych na przestrzeni lat ugruntowaliśmy się w tej branży na pozycji lidera.
We are constantly developing and introducing new products to the market. We modernize the machine park and implement new production technologies. Our employees improve their qualifications on the basis of a modern training system.

The strength of ISYS is many years of experience in the design and production of modern heating systems for large volume facilities and production processes. ISYS engineers have over 20 years of experience in the HVAC industry, which allowed them to become the leader in air heating technology.

ISYS Heating Modules are the work of our designers and were patented in 2006. Since then, the product has been constantly developed.
Get to know the usage
Our devices are used in ventilation centers that are installed in warehouse and production halls, schools, cinemas, theaters, sport and military facilities as well as in grain dryers, paint shops and in the production of hot air in the technological process.
All of our products are prepared for expansion into foreign markets of the European Community. Our Products have safety certifications in accordance with European Union standards and CE marking. The condensing Gas Heating Modules have been tested in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 216/426 of the European Union (GAR) on appliances burning gaseous fuels.